
Privacy Policy

Picture of the front of a dark colored school building with a lot of windows.

Hey there! We just want to give you a quick rundown of our Privacy Policy. Your privacy is super important to us, and we’ve put measures in place to keep your info safe from any unauthorized access or use. We’ll collect some personal info through the Site, but it’s mainly to give you the best experience possible.Every now and then, we might use your contact info to let you know about special offers and promotions. If you ever want to unsubscribe from those emails, no worries - we’ll make sure to honor your request. And just so you know, we won’t share your information with anyone else without your permission.

Your agreement to our privacy policy.

Hey! Just a heads-up that by using our Site and services, you’re agreeing to our Privacy Policy, which might change from time to time. The policy is part of our Terms & Conditions. We’ll be collecting some personal info from you, but don’t worry, it’ll be kept safe and sound in the United States and other countries, following the laws in place.

Sharing your info...with permission of course.

We might ask you for some personal details when you visit our Site. This can be things like your name, email, phone number, and even info about your hobbies and interests. We could also get this info from third parties we work with, like our business partners. But rest assured, we won’t share your information with anyone else without your permission.

Commitments are not always guaranteed.

Even though we’re all about keeping your privacy safe, we can’t promise 100% protection. Sometimes, we might have to share your personal info if it’s required by law or if we think it’s necessary for things like court orders, legal processes, or requests from law enforcement. We’ll do our best to keep your info safe, but there are times when we have no choice but to share it.

Want to hear from us, or nah?

It’s your choice if you want to receive promotional stuff from us or not. If you want to opt out of any emails or text messages, just give us a call at (213) 549-8207 or shoot us an email at Tell us what you’d like to stop receiving, and we’ll make it happen.

Collectibles aren't really our thing but...

When you create an account or do stuff on our Site, we might collect some personal info from you. We might also keep track of things like your messages and transcripts from tutoring sessions. We use this info to help make our services even better for you. And don’t worry, if you share your friends’ or family’s contact info with us, we’ll treat their info with the same respect as yours.

Your info is in good hands.

We take security super seriously, so we’ve got measures in place to protect your info online and offline. We’ll hold onto your info for a reasonable amount of time or as long as the law says we have to.

Cookies, anyone?

Our website uses cookies to give you the best experience possible. They’re small text files that get stored on your device, and they help our website work better for you. You can manage your cookie preferences in your web browser, but keep in mind that deleting them all might mess with how our website works for you. If you have any questions, you can reach out to us at

California peeps, this is for you (CCPA).

If you’re a California resident, this part of our Privacy Policy is just for you, thanks to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). We collect some identifiers (like your name and email) and a bit of internet activity info (like browsing history). We only use this info to make your experience more personalized and to improve our services. We don’t sell your info to anyone, and we won’t treat you differently just because you choose to exercise your rights under the CCPA. Also, our website isn’t meant for kids under 13, so we don’t knowingly collect their info. If we find out we have, we’ll delete it ASAP.

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